Where on earth can you find another boss or company who lets you have the freedom to "vandalize" the wall in the office?
keke.. in my knowledge, only here in PAVE!
keke.. in my knowledge, only here in PAVE!

Last week, on a nice sunny Thursday afternoon, SC and V are probing on what CNY decors shall we put up in the office this year.. and.. something caught their eyes (or is it just SC? keke..)..

A cny greeting card from
one of our suppliers
And so, design set. We are gonna do some make up to this plain old wall in our office...
of ours... :D
I'm so full of enthusiasm waiting for the golden Monday to approach over the weekend.. keke..
First time feeling that Monday isn't blue anymore!!!
And here comes Monday!

Oppss... Salah.. Should be...

Yay... It's Monday!
Hehe... Look! what's this?
We start off by painting the white wall red. Red shall be the base colour of our design since it's theme is CNY!
to paint the base coat
Tadahh!!! But, nope... Not by me, V is the one who painted the whole wall actually.. keke..
While waiting for the paint to dry (which V took multiple ways he can think of to dry it), we took a short break and have our dinner. Not before long, we finished our yummy MacDonald's we move on to start work.
Actually at that moment, SC and I were chatting among the 2 of us that, well, the most we both can do is to give Vincent moral support cos we really have no experience drawing on a wall before.
But, of cos our Mr. V won't let us off so easily. We were appointed by him to do our part.
Three of us starts off by drawing on the wall with pencils..
Ok, not draw, it's to "trace" out the design which we've chosen and projected on the wall..
And the result, opps, sure look abit "sorry".. keke..
But with confidence, we are sure that the outlook will look nice if not great.. keke.. ^.^
Next supervisor V appoint us our next task..
SC to paint the flowers and I to paint the stems..
It took SC quite awhile to catch what supervisor V wants.. Cos, yay, he's "teaching" her how to paint the flowers.. To start with the buds first then the petals... And it's really "scary" to paint the flowers as the flower tracings which we've done earlier, really doesn't looked like they are flowers at all (oh yay, maybe only those traced by yours truly.. I'm a Arts student, so i can't trace ok, i can only "scribble" wakaka..).. keke..
As for me, ah hem, i bo chap, and just paint the stems the way i wanted it to be..
Not giving supervisor V a chance to teach me at all.. Wakaka... =D
They were "complaining" that I had painted the stems too thick..
But i think otherwise leh.. Hello, I'm a Arts student ok!!! keke..
In my "artistic" point of view, the stems looks PERFECT! (so thick skinned hor..) keke...
flowers and stems x 1

While we are working on our parts, supervisor V does his also. He painted the most magnificent word on the wall.. Yay, it's "春"!

With SC still working hard..
Next is my turn to work on the smaller wordings... With shaky hands...

I was in this standing position for at least 45mins while I paint these wordings.. The result, yes, backache for the next 2 days..

White, pink and yellow for the flowers...
Gold for the wordings...
Next, I moved on to paint the 2nd coat of gold on the big 春 as the first layer by supervisor V is too thin and not "bright" enough. Gold suppose to be bling bling de, right?!!!
At the same time, SC and V moved on to add the final touch up for the flowers..

well mixed...
And.. Tadahhhhhh..................
We were super tired when we finished the work... Looking at the clock, the needle had already just past the "holly 12 midnight" and can you believe it that we had started painting at 6pm!
Yes, we took a whole 6 hours to paint this "ART" (I don't care, I wanna call this piece an ART piece.. Bite me if you want...)!!! keke..
Though we happy and satisfied with our work, while we are packing up and on the way home on V's lorry, we were actually kinda worried on the reactions that our boss's and fellow colleagues' gonna have when they are to see it the next day.
And phew, most of the comments are positive and many were taking pics of it (must charge them money hor.. keke..). Yay!!
And the most happiest comment came from our boss.. Just one word.. And it sent us floating in the sky.. ~~~IMPRESSIVE~~~ Yay! Yay! Yay!
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