Actually had been wanting to make a holiday trip to Seoul since early this year..
but there's no reason or excuse that i can give myself to make it possible until...

yes, news of Young Saeng being casted in the musical "The Three Musketeers" (삼총사) came out.
Once i heard of this news, i'm determined to make this trip happen^^
YS is casted as D'artagnan, a young man who leaves home to travel to Paris to join the Musketeers of the Guard.
Before this, i had totally no knowledge or rather interest in this story.. haha
but in order to know at least what this story is about, i went to watch the movie of this story which happened to be screening in early Nov in Singapore.
Thanks to Cin who accompanied me to watch the movie^^
True enough, the movie does makes the story of The Three Musketeers grew a liking in my heart^^
The musical itself is great too! The storyline, the actors & actresses, the live orchestra, everything! just makes the musical a great enjoyment to watched.
i've watched 7 shows and each shows still gives me the flutters in my stomach when i watch them~ totally not biased!
Gotta say that this trip isn't just for YS, i would rather say that its for myself
yes, an excuse for me to "run away" from both work and home for a period of time
a reflection time for me to be precise^^
had been stressful recently due to work
even felt stressed up at home for reasons which i don't know why too
therefore had been determined to make this trip as slow paced & stress free as possible
and here i came to Seoul with my packed luggage in search for my soul~ lol
as i'm pretty tied up in work before i fly, yes, no itinerary had been drawn up for this trip
yes, none~! haha!
therefore for this trip, every journey are done randomly
i will just decide where to go everyday when i wake up~ lol
however, i would say that this is a fruitful trip for me
i've been to the COEX Aquarium (which i had failed to visit in the last trip), the Namsan hangok, the Namsan tower, the hangang river, Apgujung, Hongik (for coffee prince, flea market & kitty cafe), Ewha, DDM, NDM, Itaewon (in search for a famous crepe cafe), JJB & etc
not to forget & of course to Gyeonggi-do for YS's musical at the Seongnam Arts Center
i will never forget the ride on the subway to Imae! will never forget! lol
below are some of the pics taken in this trip~ just some random pics taken from my camera
strange enough, most of the pics i had taken are using my hp! lol
but i'm lazy to transfer them to my lappy =p
yes, finally i'm into the COEX Aquarium!^^
they have a 哈哈镜 in there~lol
it's X'mas even in the aquarium!
i see otters!!
me! under the sea!
had wanted to get myself a big otter soft toy but sadly the aquarium store does not have it! *pout*
got these as souvenirs instead >.<
at a cafe at the subway station
at Namsan on an evening~X'mas mood already!
at another cafe nearby the guesthouse~nice atmosphere~ i like
spend some time "talking" to myself here ^.^
had always like the vibrant colours of the plants along the roadside in Seoul 
one more~
2nd trip up to Namsan in search for my churros~
Namsan Tower ~ daytime
the path towards the bus stops at Namsan which i had never walked before during
my past trips up the mountain~
nice scenery
到此一游~ hehe
last pic of the tower~Finishing my trip with the musical which accompanied me throughout the holiday~
I had watched all the shows put up by YS during my trip with 1st show on 15th November and the last show on 29th November~
i'm thankful that i had this chance to watch this musical
through this musical, i've seen the passion all the musical casts had put in for the show
no matter if they are the lead casts or the ensemble casts, everyone put in their atmost effort for the performance
and from there, i noticed, yes, that is the passion i am lacking now
no matter is in my work or simply my life~
this, is like an alarm rang to me, yes, i need to find the passion which i used to have back
and, i believe i will ^^
& this trip had also made my life completed, for now~
as i had seen the 5 boys with my own eyes with Kyu Jong's visit to the musical on YS's first show on 15th Nov~ it seems like a sign to me at that moment~~
that's said, eventhough this is a slow & relaxing trip,
this is actually a discovery & fulfilling trip for me which i am grateful for~
i need to thank many people who makes my trip possible actually
my parents, for their understanding (they can see the stress i'm having recently actually)
my sister, for her forever being so supportive to me eventhough she might see things differently as how i see it
my boss, for granting my long leave
my colleagues, for covering my work while i'm away
my friends, for your care and concern over my solo holiday
to the above, 谢谢你们接受我任性的决定 ^0^
last but not least, to myself, for making this trip possible even at the hardest moment i'm going through~ *pat self on the back*
shall end this entry with the pics of YS taken during the curtain call on 29th November 2011~
my otter~1
my otter~2
my otter~3
my otter~4
my otter~5
my otter~6
my otter~7
my otter~8
my otter~9
my otter~10
my otter~11
my otter~12
It's almost 9am now in Seoul and i should be leaving the guesthouse in another 1.5hrs time~
it's been raining since last nite and yup, i didn't sleep a wink~
was thinking if i should leave an entry for this trip initially, but since i had decided to stay up for the night, i think i should and i'm glad that i did^^
frankly i can't bear to leave this place but i got to buck up and get back to life
there are things that is waiting for me to accomplish and i should always believe that 明天会更好
not sure if i will be coming back to Seoul again in the near future
probably not, as i think i would like to move on and holiday in other countries first if there's a chance
i think Seoul is already missing me~
why? the rain tells it all~~ tata Seoul~ for now ^^
*I LOVE OTTER* ^___^ *waves*